samedi 28 novembre 2009


I had a typical Thanksgiving dinner in an American family. It was great. My neighbor, the one who danced in my video "Sweet Afternoon", invited us in his family. We eat the Turkey, beans with almond, potatoes bud, salad, a thing that I don't remember the name but you eat it with cranberry sauce, and then in desert and apple pie with ice cream. At the beginning of the dinner my neighbor's mother ask us to think about someone o something we were thankful about, and we will said it at the end of the dinner. It was really nice to do that. Around the table, we were two Frenches and two Indians. It was funny because the story of Thanksgiving is that Indian gave food to the American, and years later they killed all the Indians. It's the story I know, I don't know if it's the real one... Anyway, it was a really good experience!

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