vendredi 6 novembre 2009

LA Belongs to Car

Los Angeles belongs to cars. It's simple, you can't live in this city without a car. This is a huge city and everything is scattered. If you want to visit LA, and saw all the wonderful places here, you have to drive! Of course you can take the bus or a public transportation, but you waste lot of time. The paradox here is that you have to get a car but there is lots of inconvenient by having a car. First the traffic, you spend lots of our in the traffic on the freeways. Then it's often hard to find a parking place. The solution is to go in the parking area, but you have to pay, again! And then there is the danger of having an accident. Furthermore, cars are a culture in America. People spend lot of time and money in their car, to wash, fix and maintain. It's why, even all the inconvenient you'll get a car.

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