samedi 28 novembre 2009


I had a typical Thanksgiving dinner in an American family. It was great. My neighbor, the one who danced in my video "Sweet Afternoon", invited us in his family. We eat the Turkey, beans with almond, potatoes bud, salad, a thing that I don't remember the name but you eat it with cranberry sauce, and then in desert and apple pie with ice cream. At the beginning of the dinner my neighbor's mother ask us to think about someone o something we were thankful about, and we will said it at the end of the dinner. It was really nice to do that. Around the table, we were two Frenches and two Indians. It was funny because the story of Thanksgiving is that Indian gave food to the American, and years later they killed all the Indians. It's the story I know, I don't know if it's the real one... Anyway, it was a really good experience!


Feminine/Masculine was the name of a contemporary dance creation that I danced last year in France. It's funny because it is also the name of my comparative essay on the David's sculptures. This dance was a kind of battle between men and women. There was moment where the delicacy of women was show and strongest moment where the boys showed their capacities. My favorite moment in this show was the duo. I had a duo with my partner Kofi. It was really nice because I know him well and we had the possibility to create our own duo. Our teachers told us that it was a really beautiful duo because we match with each other. I hope to find someone like him to work with here in LA. 

lundi 23 novembre 2009

Car Accident

On Saturday I went back home from my aero silk class, and my street was close. I parked my car and went to see what happened. There was two police cars and a crashed car. The man in the crashed car crashed a lamppost. The lamppost fell on the car. The car was totally destroyed. The front was crushed and the lamppost crushed the top of the car. Fortunately nobody was hurt, and the driver was chock but safe.

Green Screen

Yesterday I went to the film festival with my boyfriend. I went to see the Experimental Eye at 3 p.m. The first part was strange. There were lots of films about the water, and another called «Street Chaos ». The last one was really really strange. It showed the worstest parts of LA, drugs alcohol sex fights criminals stopped by the police… and the music was also strange. I better enjoyed the second part with the shorts films. Marianne, Paul and Yassine presented their movies. There was one with a skateboard man which was really funny. At the beginning we just saw someone skateboarding without seing who he is, and at the end we just saw a 60 years old man exhausted ! I didn’t stay to the party at the end because I had to go to another show.

Cirque School Show

After the film festival, I went to see a show from a cirque school in Hollywood. I know that place because I use to take my aero silk class there. All the students did a really good job. It was amazing because they are not professionnal and some of them did  really good stuff. One of the man, who is a surgeon in his everyday life, did a show with the silk. It was great. The last number was a show from a professionnal, and that one was super great and super amazing ! 

dimanche 22 novembre 2009

Lofts In Downtown

Yesterday afternoon I went to downtown to visit some apartments. I don't want to move out, but I just wanted to take a look. There is lots of big buildings there, and lots of choices for apartments. Most of the buildings got Rooftop with swimming pool and jacusi, and also a beautiful view on LA. I was suprise by the prices which are not that expensive, and I can even say cheap for some of the apartments. I like to visit places and I had a nice time visiting those places! 

samedi 21 novembre 2009

Corporal Punishment at School

This week we watched the level five's debate. The resolve of one of the group was "Corporal Punishment should be legal at school". This debate was really interesting. The Pro team was Korean and the Con team was European. Through this debate we can really see the difference of the culture and the education in different countries. Even if I'm European I'm Pro the Corporal Punishment at school. Last year in France some students stabbed their teacher or another beat them. It's totally disrespect for the education. And maybe with the Corporal Punishment there were more respect between student and teacher at school.

jeudi 19 novembre 2009

A Summer Weather For a November Month

LA weather is awesome! I can't beleive that it is November 19th, and that I was in t-shirt in the street today! I was still at the beach last weekend! When I call my family on skype, they wear sweaters and the heater is on. It's really cold outside. It's a real Winter there. But here, it is like the end of Summer. And I'm surprised to see a christmas tree next to a palm tree, with a beautiful blue sky and a hot sun! Even if I like this weather, I can't wait to go back home and be cold, walk in the snow, and warm myself around the fireplace! 

mercredi 11 novembre 2009

First Debates

Today, we made the two first debates of the class. The one on the Gay Marriage, and the one on the World Currency. To make it simple, it was a DESASTER! The groups were not ready, there was no action, it was slow, boring, really not attractive and furthermore Susan was interrupt them all the time. I think we were not enough prepared, and we should do a simulation before the day of the debate. I hope it will be better for my team, and actually I'm pretty sure it will be better, because I'll use the mistakes of the others to improve my debate!

lundi 9 novembre 2009


Do you know that TV show? Dexter? I love it! It is the story about a man who work with the police the day and who is a serial killer the night. Dexter kills only the murderers who managed to escape the juridical system. He has to keep his secret from his family. That I love the most in this TV show is that nobody can find him. He knows perfectly his job and I like his character. The presentation of the show is also really impressive. I started to watch this TV show because of my boyfriend, and now I'm addicted!


I'm going to compare Ginny the character of the movie Rocket Science and 6 the character of the book Syrup by Maxx Barry. These two characters are first two girls. They got a straight objective: be the best. For Ginny it's in debate and for 6 it's in marketing. They also have a problem with their relationship. They can't accept to be loved by someone because of their career or objective. It's why in both story they reject Hal and Scat. In the book, 6 changes her position, she evolves. She lets Scat come in her life. We don't know what will happen to Ginny in the future. It is the only difference that I can see between these two girls. I think that these characters are pretty much similar.


Syrup by Maxx Barry is a book we are reading with my class. It tells the story of Scat a young man who wants the American Dream. He crosses several difficulties to reach his goal. It is such a NICE book! Besides to be a very good book it's also an easy reading book. You can't stop read it. You want to know what's happen next! It out yourself in the story. I was stressed, happy, bad, for what's happen to the characters. I felt the feelings of them. I just finish it because I really wanted to know the end of this book. And I'm really happy of it! I recommend this book to everyone

dimanche 8 novembre 2009

Funny Name For a Club

This weekend, we wanted to go to a club in Hollywood with my friends. We hesitate, during a moment, and one of my firend said "Hey guys! Let's go to My House!" I looked at him and said "Why do you want us to go to your house? If you make a party, it's better to make it at My House, it's bigger!" And my friend answered "Yeah I told you let's go to My House!" Actually My House was the name of the club! It was so funny because nobody knew!  Finally we went to My House and it was a very funny night.

samedi 7 novembre 2009

Parking Place/ Football Game Day

At my place I don't have a real parking place for my car. I have to park it in the street. I all the time find a place during the week and the weekend, so it's not really a problem. The problem is when there is a football game at USC... Everybody try to find a place to watch the game, and if I want to go shopping or see my friend, I can't find a place when I come back. USC should create a parking area to avoid this problem in the neighborhood. 


Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. During the night our body works with our energies' reserve that we made on the day. The goal of the breakfast is to reconstruct them. First by giving energy to the organs, then provide muscles proteins and finally water rapprovisionner. It's at this meal that you get your energies for the day. Lot of people don't measure the importance of the breakfast, they say that they are not hungry in the morning, or that they don't have time. It encourages snacking causing overweight. I took 20 minutes each morning for my breakfast. And I can take all morning without get weak!

vendredi 6 novembre 2009

LA Belongs to Car

Los Angeles belongs to cars. It's simple, you can't live in this city without a car. This is a huge city and everything is scattered. If you want to visit LA, and saw all the wonderful places here, you have to drive! Of course you can take the bus or a public transportation, but you waste lot of time. The paradox here is that you have to get a car but there is lots of inconvenient by having a car. First the traffic, you spend lots of our in the traffic on the freeways. Then it's often hard to find a parking place. The solution is to go in the parking area, but you have to pay, again! And then there is the danger of having an accident. Furthermore, cars are a culture in America. People spend lot of time and money in their car, to wash, fix and maintain. It's why, even all the inconvenient you'll get a car.

lundi 2 novembre 2009

This Is It

Yesterday night I went to a new movie theater, next to the Staple Center in downtown. I watched This Is It, the movie about Michael Jackson. It was really nice! This movie shows all the preparation and repetition of Michael Jackson Show. It was really like a concert. I couldn't stop myself dancing on my chair! Through this movie we can see a new image of the real Michael Jackson. He was an amazing professional artist. He knew what he wanted for his show, and if he wasn't dead, I think it would be a fabulous show. If you have the possibility to see this movie and if you like Michael Jackson, rush immediately to a movie theater!

Halloween Party

Last Saturday I made a party for Halloween, like all the people did in LA. I made a barbecue with friends on the roof of my building. It was really nice because the weather was good and we got a nice view. Around 7 p.m, we put our costumes and we went in the street to see the other people and all the costume. Then we went to a club in downtown, and that place was amazing! There was a big terrace and really good music. All the people in there were amazing costumes! I think lots of people spend hundreds of dollars for them! My Pirate costume got lots of success, and I'm really excited to celebrate Halloween again next year!