mercredi 2 septembre 2009

Dog days/ A dog parable

I'm going to compare two differents stories about dogs. The first is named "A Dog Parable". There is a man and his dog, they went to Heaven, and the man choosed to keep his dog with him. Second, the other story is named "Dog Days". It's about Cooper, a young man, he has a dog, Uno, and a pregnant wife, Christina. She doesn't want to keep the dog with the baby, thus, she asksCooper to ditch Uno. 

Dogs are known to be the human's best friend. These two stories talk about, friendship, loyalty and faithfulness.

  In the first story, the man is dead, he's alone, and he has nothing to loose. His only friend is his dog. I think he is the most important thing at this time in his dead life. Unlike, in the second story, the young man Cooper, got a family. He is maried, his wife is pregnant, he has a house and friends. He has to protect his family and his future child. Cooper's wife has an influance on him, so his choice depends to her. He have to maintain his marriage. The man has nobody to tell him what to do, he is free. Furthermore, those two men have not the same priorities, and the same way to see the friendship between men and dogs. If cooper had been in the "Dog Parable", he would go to Hell, and just let the dog on the way. If the man had been at Cooper's place, he would have kept Uno, or he would found a better solution than let it him to an animals shelter.

  To conclude, I think the big difference between the two stories is the two men. They don't have the same age, not the same lifes and apparently not the same attachment with dogs.

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