mercredi 30 septembre 2009

Right or Wrong

Dan Ariely talks about his experience in the hospital. His body was burn at 70 percent. When nurses put out his bandages, he gets lots of pain, because they did that in short time. He adviced them to do that slowly and he will have painless. Nurses thought they were right. Thus he made an experience on student about cheating. These tastes help him to understand how irrationnality works. Through this experience, Dan Ariely learned that people listen to their instincts, but sometimes you should beware of it.

An Amazing Restaurant

Espiau's Cafe is a restaurant located in Claremont in LA. It's a mexican restaurant. That is amazing with this restaurant is that the creator was french. He lived in a little city in France named Lannepax in the department of Gers. This place is really close to mine. Espiau went to Pomona in 1890 where he was a winegrower. In 1919 he closed the winery, and entered his busines which beras his name. In fact Espiau was the great grandfather of one of my friend in France who still live in Lannepax!

My leek tie

I'm going to give you my leek pie's recipe. We need: 1 puff pastry, 3 leeks, 1 big oignon, sour cream, and milk. First, cut leeks and oignon in piece. Cook them in a pan, until they turn white. Put the puff pastry in a dish pie, spread leeks and oignon on it. Add milk, sour cream, salt and pepper. Put the pie in the oven during 20 minutes. Don't fortget to keep an eye on! Now it's ready, have a good meal!

jeudi 24 septembre 2009

Learning to Listen

Evelyn Glennie is a percussionist who lost all of her capacity to hear at 12 years old. her aim is to teach the world to listen. It's strange to play music when you're deaf, but she explains that she can hear things by the others part of her body. When you loose one of your five sense, you develop the others. That's what Evelyn Glennie did. She feels sounds by vibrations, by movements, by feelings. Thus, she can play drum easely.

lundi 21 septembre 2009


The subject of my fable was really easy to understand, because people are or were affected by this problem. However I felt that some classmates didn't understand me, because of my french accent. Some people would say that my accent is cute, but I think it's one of my biggest worries has spoken. To facilitate understanding, and also to animate my story, I put dialogue. I think it's a bonus in my fable, because everybody can understand the everyday language. It was really more attractive. My fable was short, thus people didn't sleep during my talk. I had lots of propositions for my moral, and they were all true. I hope next time I will be less stressed, and my voice will be more clear.

Indian Restaurant

On Satruday night, I went to an Indian restaurant close to downtown. It was a small, poorly furnished place on a bad block, but you can not judge a book by its cover, and it turned out to be very good food. I tasted Samosa with a Mango sala in appetizer, and I shared a chilli chicken and a chicken massala with rize with my boyfriend. The chilli chicken was really spicy! I eat some indian bread. That dinner was really nice, and I really enjoyed eat indian food.

jeudi 17 septembre 2009

You Make my Decision

Are we in control of our decisions? I'm suppused to answer yes, but Dan Ariely show you the otherwise. In this video he has some impressive arguments. Our vision mislead us with color and size. Our decisions are made by illusions. And without knowing, you're directed by other things or other people, like media, advertissements,  and designers. We think that we have all the time the posibility to choose, but our decision is all the time guided by what's happening outside of us.

There is a Time for Everything

Sophie and Arthur are two french students who went to LA to realise their American dream. She wants to be a lawier and he wants to be a businessman. « Wouah, Arthur exclamed, This city is amazing ! I want to visit everything here, go to big parties with other students and go to each club !!! » . «  Hey Dude, Sophie answered, don’t forget to work, you will have all your life to go partying! This year is really important for your future. » « Oh, you’re so boring Sophie, Arthur said, be cool and don’t worry about me ! »Sophie worked hard all weeks to reach her goal. Arthur went to parties and continued to Enjoy his life. The time of exams came, and after few days the results were displayed. « Arthur ! Sophie screamed, I’m a lawier , I passed my exam, I’m so happy ! My dream comes true ! » « Oh nice ! Congratulation. I’m very proud of you…, Arthur said » « What about you ? Sophie asked » « Hum… I… I will not become a businessman yet , I missed my year… » That night all students made a big party except Arthur. «  You have to work hard to get your dreams.»

mardi 15 septembre 2009

Of Mere Bieng Wallace Sevens

The palm at the end of the mind
Beyond the last thought, rises
In the bronze distance

A gold-feathered bird
Sings in the palm, without human meaning
Without human feeling, a foreign song

You know then that it is not the reason
That makes up happy or unhappy
The bird sings. Its feathurs shine

The palm stands on the edge of space
The wind moves slowly in the branches
The bird's fire-fangled feathers dangle down

We studied this poem in class. I'm not accostumated to that kind of work. This poem is complicate to me, and I don't really find a meaning in what he says. I don't find links between stanzas. I understand that he speaks about relaxation, bird's song, palm tree? but there is no sense to me. I hope learn more about poetry to understand messages.

samedi 12 septembre 2009

Santa Monica Pier

I decided to go to Santa Monica Pier because I had others plans for saturday night. Santa Monica Pier is a nice place. Families, friends and children come to go to the funfair, eat churros and make rides. The funfair is very impressive, there is a big ferris wheel and lots of attractions. When you're sick you can go to the beach to swim, bronze and play. When I went to Santa Monica Pier, there was lots of people, it's a very touristic place and I didn't really like that. You can take a picture with a fake Beyonce or a fake Mickael Jackson, or furthermore sculpt your portrait. I think there is lots of things to spend money to spend money ( childrens love that! ).
That I really apreciate was the concerts. They are free all thursday nights. I also found nice the Trapeze School.
September, 9th was the 100th anniversary of the Pier. I think there is lots of pass stories in this place and I hope there will be future stories too!
To conclude Santa Monica Pier is a pleasant place, but I prefer go to a place less frequented with more truth things.

jeudi 10 septembre 2009

My best gift was a stroke

The lesson that Jill Bolte Taylor learned through her experience is the importance of life. One morning she woke up with a headache, which turned, step by step in a stroke...

I will explain that I've learned in this video about brain. The human brain is composed in two hemispheres. The right hemisphere, and the left hemisphere. The right leads all the things about the present moment, what's happen "right here, right now", Jill says that she "is an energybeing connected to the energy all around her through the consciousness of her right hemisphere". In addition the left hemisphere thinks "linearly and methodically", it is all about the past and the future, all the in formations you learned are categories and organizes with everything in the past and all your projects in the future. Jill says that the left hemisphere permits her "to become a single solid individual, separate from the energy flow around her and separate from us". In her accident Jill lost this part of her brain. She couldn't walk, spoke, and read, anymore. It took 8 years to recover all her capacities. When she realized that she was still alive, she realized the immense opportunity that was the life! She thought finds the nirvana, she realizes what a tremendous gift a stroke could be.

lundi 7 septembre 2009

Farmer's Market

Yesterday ( Sunday 6th of september ), I went to the Farmer's Market in Hollywood. It was impressive because it was like a french market! You can buy food, vegetables, fruits, clothes... There is lot of people, they went for stroll, to make shopping because it's very cheap! I can saw families, young couple, old person, everybody come to farmer's market! 
I really had a good time there, and I think I will be there next week-end to make my shopping!

dimanche 6 septembre 2009

First football game

Yesterday ( saturday, 5th of september ), I went to my first football game : USC vs San Jose! It was very impressing! I havn't really liked the game, but the atmosphere was exceptional. There was 80000 people in the stadium, everybody wore clothes of USC, everybody sang. 

Before the game, families, friends, and students, come on the campus and begin a big party at 9 a.m to celebrate their team. One hour before the game begins, the band makes a gigantic show with 150 people. The mascot, a horse, comes into the stadium and evoryone aplause and scream. Then gamers enter, and it's like an ovation.

I left before the end of the game. USC won 56 to 3! 

vendredi 4 septembre 2009

How Origami has changed the world to Robert LANG?

Origami consists to fold papers to recreate forms. When you are a children, you learn how makes a plane, a boat, and it becomes very funny toys for you. It's origami. In the 20th Century, Robert LANG, associated math with origami. This new technique become an Art, they tried to create more details to make new forms and sculture. It's amazing what you can create with a piece of paper, it's looks like real things! I was so surprised by the work that it represent, and especially by the beauty of sculptures. Involving math to Origami, the folding became easier. You just had to count angles, fold by colors, to make circles. Relashionship between maths and origami is equations in 4 setes:

              SUBJECTS -> TREE -> BASE -> MODELS

Origami helped for sattelites, airbags, umbrella, prototypes, telescopes and to reduce or enlarge things. Robert LANG gave lots of good examples to show is these about Origami. He thinks that origami will safe lifes.
This reportage on TED video, was really impressive. But I'm not convinced that it will be save lifes one day...

mercredi 2 septembre 2009

Dog days/ A dog parable

I'm going to compare two differents stories about dogs. The first is named "A Dog Parable". There is a man and his dog, they went to Heaven, and the man choosed to keep his dog with him. Second, the other story is named "Dog Days". It's about Cooper, a young man, he has a dog, Uno, and a pregnant wife, Christina. She doesn't want to keep the dog with the baby, thus, she asksCooper to ditch Uno. 

Dogs are known to be the human's best friend. These two stories talk about, friendship, loyalty and faithfulness.

  In the first story, the man is dead, he's alone, and he has nothing to loose. His only friend is his dog. I think he is the most important thing at this time in his dead life. Unlike, in the second story, the young man Cooper, got a family. He is maried, his wife is pregnant, he has a house and friends. He has to protect his family and his future child. Cooper's wife has an influance on him, so his choice depends to her. He have to maintain his marriage. The man has nobody to tell him what to do, he is free. Furthermore, those two men have not the same priorities, and the same way to see the friendship between men and dogs. If cooper had been in the "Dog Parable", he would go to Hell, and just let the dog on the way. If the man had been at Cooper's place, he would have kept Uno, or he would found a better solution than let it him to an animals shelter.

  To conclude, I think the big difference between the two stories is the two men. They don't have the same age, not the same lifes and apparently not the same attachment with dogs.