lundi 26 octobre 2009

Halloween is celebrate the October 31 during the night. This party is primarily a traditional folk festival celebrated in Ireland. It was imported in the US in 1930. During this night children go in scary (ghost, witch,...) costume from house to house, asking the question "Trick or Treat?". In Europe Halloween is not famous as it is in the US. In the US this is one of the biggest party of the year. Nowadays, this day is a little bit different, Children still ask for candies, but the older people celebrate this day by making big parties. They are all disguised and the costume are not scary anymore but sexy! I think this year I will be a pirate and I will make a big party like all American do!

This weekend I took a class of Aero Silk. Aero silk is acrobatics with a tissue attached at the ceiling. I saw this art last year for the first time, during a show that I made with my school. The two acrobats were amazing and I really wanted to learn that. Last weekend I met a French girl who made aero silk, and I asked her if she could gave me classes. That's how I took my first class this weekend. It was really nice! Aero silk is based on nodes, you have to learn the keys and then let yourself carried away by your imagination. It was really hard for my arms, because I don't have enough muscles. But I will do it again next weekend and I will improve that!

mardi 20 octobre 2009

The Best Presentation

Shin Jin was the best presenter this morning in class. Her topic was: "people should use natural form of sugar instead of artificial sweeteners I think she was the only one to support an idea to create a debate. Her presentation was clear as her arguments, and she looked at everybody when she spoke. I agree with her points, because I really think that real sugar is better than artificial one. Artificial sugar not taste like sugar, and we don't know if it's good for our health. I prefer eat something with real sugar, and enjoy eat, than eat something not real, not take pounds and be frustrated by the taste.

mardi 13 octobre 2009

José Limon

I want to talk about José Limon, because I had the opportunity to take master classes with two of his dancers, Betty Jones and Fritz Ludin. Through them I could learnt a little bit of his work. José Limon was a pioneering modern dancer and choreographer. He moved in New York in 1928, where he studied under Doris Humphrey and Charles Weidman, two Masters of the modern dance. He founded his own company in 1946: The Jose Limon Dance Company. Betty Jones is one of the dancers of his company. With his company, he developed his repertory with Doris Humphray and he established his style that was become the Limon technique. I was very lucky to take the master class with Betty Jones and Fritz Ludin because they are very old, and they don't give lots of classes now. Furthermore we have to take benefits of their knowledge before they die. The class was amazing, Fritz is almost 72 and he still did all the jumps for boys, and all the stretching. Betty is almost 80, and she showed all the exercises. When it was Fritz who gave the class Betty was taking it, and vice versa. It was really impressive, because sometimes you are tired or you don't want to work, but when you saw them you have to! And when I saw them, I can say that I'm sure that dance preserves your body.

dimanche 11 octobre 2009

The Benefits and the Bonuses of Drinking Coffee

There are benefits in drinking coffee moderately. For example, coffee is a stimulant, an anti-migraine, a laxative, a cardiovascular protective and also an anti diabetic. It is also a drink that you can decline on different ways: cappuccino, mocha coffee, iced coffee, caramel macchiato...  In addition to be a nice drink the coffee is also a social concept. For example, in enterprises during the break, colleague take a coffee together; or in the level 6, the famous "coffee time", when we went together buy coffee at the cafeteria. It permits to strengthen relashionship. 

Museum of Jurassic Technology

On Saturday I went to the Museum of Jurassic Technology in Culver City. This museum is like a labyrinth with lot of different things inside. You can see the evolution of microscope, 3D vectograph process, ancient method to cure, supertitions, et cetera... There is also library, the Napoleon Library. I was impressed by one of the ancient belief: "children afficted with trush or sore throat, can de cured by placing the bill of a duck or goosse in the mouth of the children". I didn't really enjoy this museum, because I didn't understand the purpose of it. If someone want to go there, they make students prices, 3$, and the normal entry is 5$. They don't have parking places.

Sunday Morning

Sunday morning is the best morning of the week. You are free to choose what you want to do and you don’t have any obligations. During the week you have to wake up early to work or to go to school, and you have to undergo the noise of the alarm clock. On Sunday morning, you turn off your alarm clock. You can stay under the duvet if the weather is bad and take a huge French breakfast in front of a nice movie. If the weather is good, Sunday morning is nice to walk in forest and play sport. For the bravest that wants to enjoy the morning and day, you can wake up early and take your car to visit an unknown place. I can say that Sunday morning is a vacation day for me, I take this opportunity to escape, to think of something else or simply do nothing.

lundi 5 octobre 2009

Weekend to San Diego

This weekend, I went to San Diego. All the weekend was FUN, but the thing I enjoyed the most was San Diego Zoo. This place is really amazing! It's a huge park with animals from all around the world. There is different part in the zoo park for all kind of animals. For example, Polar Rim with Polar Bears, Urban Jungle with Giraffes and Rhinos, Lost Forest with Crocodiles Tigers and Hippos, Elephant Odyssey with Camels Elephants and Lions. This last one was my favorite, elephants are huge and they look friendly. In addition, this zoo is a good place to walk and make sports. And for the people who don't like  walking, there is a bus, little cars and a cable car.  To conclude there is no age o go to the zoo, you can enjoy it since 2 to 90 years old!